Pomaika’i Ballrooms at Dole Cannery

735 Iwilei Road, Honolulu

AUGUST 22, 2015

Hear ye!  Hear ye!  The time is coming, Ladies and Gentlemen, Lads and Lassies, for the great Golden Gala, the party to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Caledonian Society of Hawaii.  Not only that, but we will also be joined at the party by our favorite pipe band, The Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawaii, celebrating their 30th year, thus a double celebration with plenty of music.

The Gala takes place on August 22nd at Pomaika’i Ballrooms, located on the second floor of the Dole Cannery Parking Building. You can join in this rare and rousing celebration for a mere $70 per person until Aug 7th.  After Aug 7th, the cost will be $80 per person.   Reservations are open now and must be received by August 15th.  A reservation form is below.  Everyone is welcome, but if you are a Caledonian Society member, please think back to identify the approximate year (or decade?) in which you first joined.

The special guest speaker and star bagpiper of the evening will be Jim Motherwell, who will recount experiences as The Queen’s Own Piper.  Jim charmed us all at a Burns Night several years ago and is likely to charm us again.

Expect the evening to begin in the large foyer with displays and no-host cocktails from 5 pm to 6 pm. During this hour, guests may enter the dining room to choose their seat for dinner and then return to the foyer for photographs, conversation, and cocktails. At the proper time, honorees of the evening will be ceremonially piped into the dining room.  A generous and delicious dinner will await us, to be served buffet style.

Besides bagpipe music and a demonstration of Scottish dancing, the program will include historical pictures and highlights from both organizations and recognitions of past leaders and charter members. Door prizes will be awarded and who knows what other surprises may be in store, possibly even including dancing for everyone.

Don’t miss, this rare opportunity, Ladies and Gentlemen!  Come to toast the longevity of our Society and the Pipe Band, and to wish both organizations strong futures in the celebration of Scottish culture in Hawai’i.


*****************GOLDEN GALA RESERVATION FORM*****************

August 22, 2015,  Pomaika’i Ballrooms at Dole Cannery, 735 Iwilei Road, Honolulu

Cost is  $70 per person before Aug 7th or $80 after Aug 7th until Aug 15th.


Name(s)_______________________________Member since? _______

Guests ___________________________________________________


Total enclosed  $__________

Make check payable to The Caledonian Society of Hawaii.   

Mail to The Caledonian Society of Hawaii, PO Box 4164, Honolulu, HI 96812-4164

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